Our company undertakes Modeling & 3D project design (3D drawing)

Hereafter follows some selected projects (Design Analysis, 3D Modeling and Shop drawings) that our company or its members have been involved during the last years :


3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists MILLENIA Shopping mole steel structures – Glyfada – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists Steel structures for oil fired power plant – Expand section Νο2 P/S 150kV/M.T. GIS – Atherinolakos – CRETE – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Main Rail Line Bridge SG3Α Lianokladi – Domokos – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists for claddings and coverings

Production and Administration Buildings HBC on Coca Cola Complex facilities – Dublin – IRELAND

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Steel Bridge cantilever erected with “Slidding Method” on Main Rail Line SG10, SG11 Lianokladi – Domokos – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Steel structures on “Water treatment facilities” – Blagoevgrad – BULGARIA

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

New Aigaleo stadium steel construction coverage with cladding – Thivon St – Aigaleo – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

New steel Salt Processing Plant and conveyor belts –Alexandreia – EGYPT

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

New steel factories for “LAKIS GAVALAS” company – Paiania – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Floor frames\Static Analysis for Floor frames of 22kV Switchgear New Dekelia – CYPRUS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Static analysis for various cantilevers, working platforms or other steel support on St. Dimitrios power station – NATIONAL ELECTIC COMPANY OF GREECE (DEH) S.A.

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

New Aigaleo stadium steel construction coverage – Makris St – Aigaleo – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Steel-cable stayed roof and other steel structures on Olympic Complex for Boxing and Handball “TAE-KWON-DO”, – Neo Faliro – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Prefabricated steel modular parking system – INTRAPARK PATEND – Paiania – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

New Olympic Facilities Stadium “KARAISKAKIS” – Neo Faliro – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Steel spectator stands on Olympic Facilities “HEAVY SPORTS HOUSE” – Nea Liosia – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Olympic Equestrian Center and New Athens Hippodrome – HELLAS

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Telecommunication Towers / Self supported or cable stayed poles e.t.c.

3D Modeling, Shop drawings, Election drawings and Material lists

Various residential, industrial or office buildings, warehouses, pedestrian bridges, sprort centers, moles, transport belts e.t.c. – CYPRUS, ROMANIA, HELLAS, EGYPT e.t.c.
